Heather Hollett CranioSacral Therapy
How can craniosacral therapy benefit me?
We can all suffer from stress, illness and trauma at times in our life. It can be in the form of physical trauma such as accidents and injuries, or emotional trauma such as loss of a loved one or breakdown in a relationship. All these factors, in addition to hectic lifestyles can build up over time and can contribute to us feeling unwell, exhausted and run down.
How we deal with what life throws at us is different for each person, but any stress can compromise the functioning of our craniosacral system.
The CranioSacral System
Our craniosacral system comprises of the bones, soft tissue and fluid that surrounds your brain and spinal cord. The health of our craniosacral system has profound effect on our central nervous system, which in turn has huge influence over our general health and well-being.
CranioSacral Therapy evaluates and treats the craniosacral system. It uses gentle touch to allow the fascia to unwind and release, will allow the entire body to relax, unravel and self-correct.
Freeing the central nervous system will allow it to perform at its best, allowing the client to access very deep parts of themselves. It can reduce pain and stress, enhancehealth and well-being and shift us into a more relaxed state of being. It can help to relieve dysfunction from many sources, often uncovering and addressing the deeper causes of our symptoms, allowing the body to find its way back to balance and wholeness.
Unlike more traditional bodywork treatments, Craniosacral Therapy is not prescriptive in its approach. Rather I use gentle, healing touch to ‘listen with my hands’ and follow your body’s tissue, whatever condition you may be experiencing.
I also work from the perspective that you, the client is always in charge and that your body has its own ‘inner treatment plan’. It’s my job to listen, support, and assist your body to recover and heal.
Because it is so gentle, CranioSacral Therapy can be effective for all ages. The types of problems people seek treatment for are varied but may include stress and tension related disorders, musculoskeletal problems, migraines and headaches, brain and spinal cord injuries as well as acute and chronic conditions. Many clients have reported improvements in emotional, physical, mental and spiritual well-being, and often leave sessions feeling heard in ways that they rarely achieved with other therapies.
Another aspect of this work is SomatoEmotional Release. This is a way of working with the body-mind to help release an emotional component of a physical problem that can be held within the tissues. SomatoEmotional Release techniques can include dialoguing and visualisations and can be combined with CranioSacral Therapy treatments when appropriate. To find out more about how SomatoEmotional Release can this be incorporated into a session, please click below:
If you’d like to learn more about the craniosacral system and how this gentle therapy was developed please click below:
Please be aware that I do not make any diagnoses about medical conditions. CranioSacral Therapy works very well alongside most conventional medicine but is not a replacement for appropriate medical care. If there are any concerns I recommend you consult your medical practitioner.